How to Join

At Ladimax Sports and Fitness, it is easy to join and there are no hidden costs or initiation fees. We offer three ways to pay: monthly, over 6-months or annually. We also offer a college and summer student memberships. Current ID required.
$34.95 Monthly w/1yr. commitment
Billing Frequency: Monthly
Term: 12
Down Payment: (2 months + $25 proc. fee) $94.98
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Your Dues
First Month Dues: $94.98
Last Month Dues: $34.99
Total initial Payment: $94.98

You can be billed up to $34.99 USD

Sign up for

Monthly w/1-year commitment
Billing Frequency: Monthly x6
Term: 12 Months
Down Payment: $100.00
Your Dues
First Month Dues: $53.31
Total initial Payment: $100.00

You can be billed up to $53.31 USD

Sign up for

$55.00 Month To Month Rate
Billing Frequency: Monthly
Term: Monthly
Prepayment: $55.00
Your Dues
First Month Dues: $55.00
Total initial Payment: $55.00

$79.00 Student Summer Rate
Billing Frequency: One Time
Term: June 1 - August 31
Prepayment: $79.00
Your Dues
Must be 18 or older with valid college ID.
Total initial Payment: $79.00

$299.00 Student Yearly Rate
Billing Frequency: Yearly
Term: 12 Months
Prepayment: $299.00
Your Dues
Must be 18 or older with valid college ID.
Total initial Payment: $299.00

Yearly Rate
Billing Frequency: Yearly
Term: 13 Months
Prepayment: $419.88
Total initial Payment: $419.88

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